Saturday, October 14, 2006

Just a Few More Weeks Left

My Mom sent me a picture of when she was pregnant with me and had only a few more weeks left, and I thought that everyone might want to see just how big the baby girl is getting. Erick and I had just gotten home from dinner and this is about the time that she moves a lot at night. She is definitely taking up a lot of space.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I can't wait to see you and the baby soon!! Good luck with everything. p.s. I love the shirt!

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Hey! The democrats have taken over the house and gained some seats in the senate. Donald Rumsfelt has resigned.... I think it's safe for baby girl Simonsen to join us in this momentous occasion. what think you?

  3. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Yeah- Baby Simo got here just in time to see the Dem's take control!
