Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Hospital

I wanted to give everyone an idea of what the hospital is like- but first- isn't it amazing how big Siri is getting!  We didn't realize it until we brought the new one home and see them together.  Siriana looks like a giant!  She has been so good with her little sister.  Very gentle and cautious around her.  She gets very concerned when she starts to cry and she is constantly bringing us diapers to change her- even if we just changed her.  She has been such a good helper too.  She'll get anything we ask for the baby and when we finish changing a diaper she'll take it and put it in the trash.  Also, as you can see she is naked.  She is steadily getting
 better at going poddy in the toilet, and if we keep her naked she is about 90% on target.  

This is one of the buses waiting in front of the hospital.  This is what I took from work to my appointments during the week.  The ride is $1.00 whether you ride for 30 seconds or half way around the island.  Each bus is individually owned and the drivers love playing loud crazy music.  It's an adventure.
Here is the sign in my room.  The maternity ward is not air conditioned and it is very steamy.  There are 3 women in each room and the whole ward shares 3 bathrooms that are in the central hallway.  I luckily got a bed right next to the window.  I also brought a fan because it was just so steamy during the day.  Although the location was not wonderful, the nurses were amazing and my neighbors in my room were great.  
This is the view from my (dirty) window.  Also, there are mosquito's everywhere.  Not too much fun considering there is Dengue on the island and people currently at the hospital for treatment.  

1 comment:

  1. Siri is getting SO big. It is unbelievable how fast they grow as she was even smaller than Helen when she was born, if I remember right. Sonja is in 12 month clothes! When she was born, we thought there was NO way she would ever be that big & 8 months later... she is. : )
