Thursday, November 06, 2008

A present for Siri and Helen

Our friends Sam and Karen Gordon sent a package full of goodies for us. Unfortunately it was sent to Siapan first (see the red stamp). We thought it was hilarious. How do you get American Samoa and Siapan confused? Is this enough postage to send to Siapan? At least it finally made it to us. Siri is wearing a shirt that they sent. It says "Big Sister." She loves it. She is doing so great as a big sister. She is a great helper. She is also very good at saying Helen and she is getting better at being patient when we have to attend to Helen first and her second. But- when Helen is sleeping we give Siri tons of attention so she is certainly not starved for that.


  1. Cute picture. Missy - you look ridiculously tiny. Are you sure you just had a baby? ; )

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Did Erick ever get the ponytail holders I sent?!? Or did they end up in Indonesia or Fiji or something?!?
