Friday, October 09, 2009

Fingernail Time

Siriana and Helen are always a challenge when it comes to keeping their nails short. It is especially important for Siriana who just loves to scratch her mosquito bites. Our latest trick is to convince Siri that it's wonderful to have painted fingernails and she only gets her nails painted after we have cut them. I only have a couple of bottles of paint so if anyone is sending a package (grandma's?) you could throw in some old bottles and she would just love it (also some kid friendly cream to stop her dang itching of the bites)! Helen can be soothed and coxed into this ordeal by putting Barney on.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Some home remedies:

    And another article:

    See if either of these help you out with the itchies!
