Monday, October 02, 2006

Shannon's Birthday Party

Yes it's a Sunday night, and yes we all have class and/or work in the morning. But, who can pass up the opportunity to throw a surprise birthday party? Our friend Shannon (who is throwing the Baby Shower with Natalie) turned 27, so we all surprise her at the local billiard hall: Far West. It was great to see so many friends. In this picture are my friends from school. I traveled in Florence Italy with them last summer. To the far left is Mary DuChene, then Natalie Durflinger (both of whom were my roommates in Florence) and then there is Jay Gonzales (who flew in from California). You can see how big BabySimo is getting.

No matter how crabby Erick may think I am- I really do love him... and here is proof!

You can really see how big the Babe is getting

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Hey there Baby Simo - You are getting SO BIG! Another few weeks and you're outta there! I am weighing in on the name ideas. I came up with two that I think you'll like.
    #1: Elise. No not Elsie spelled wrong but Elise, pronounced Ah-leese.
    #2: Lily. Not Scandahoovian but a nice all around name and not too common.
    That's all I have for today. Glad to hear everyone is doing fine.
