Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mommy wins an Award

Erick and Missy went to the annual Charity Auction at our Law School. Each year they award 1 law student a "Public Service" award- and this year I won! I had no idea that I was even a candidate for the award. It is quite an honor. I got up on stage, they gave me flowers and talked about all of the things that I have done. I guess I never really realized that I do a lot of volunteer work. They talked about working in New Orleans and being the fundraising chair for this years Mission: Possible, and helping at CLE's. It was a fun night. Erick even bid on an item and WON- so we are going on a helicopter ride this spring. Yeah.


  1. Congratulations Missy! It sounds like your award was well deserved. Your family looks pretty good all "duded up" too. We are enjoying keeping up with all the changes in Siri and all the growing she is doing. Greetings from COLD Minnesota.
    Love, Gayle & crew

  2. WTG Missy! Congrats!
