Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Helen is learning to walk

One of the ladies at daycare told Melissa that Helen has "weak knees" and that is why she is not walking yet, to which my response was *eyeroll* "Oh-noes... she is over a year old and not walking yet - clearly something is wrong..." Anyway, the Samoan solution for this is burial in sand, which we tried on Sunday - everyone had lots of fun with this "treatment" and *eyeroll* "Clearly" it worked because Helen can now take a step or two unassisted.


  1. nice update Daddy. FYI- Helen is crying and mad at the first beach picture because holding her meant I took her away from her glorious sand castle project. I also love that you posted the picture of her getting into my papers at work. Obviously I have too much work if files are on the floor right?

  2. you guys look fantastic! how're you feeling Missy? you're amazing. I don't know how you keep it all together!

  3. LOOK at those curls!!! What beautiful hair. :)
    Helen just doesn't have time to walk - she's too busy being adorable.

    You guys DO look great.
