Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Time for Spagetti! and the Paloa beach.

Spagetti is one of Siri's favorate foods. Last weekend while Mom was out, she insisted on spagetti for lunch, I was happy to oblige and dutifully prepared a meal of spagetti. In the meantime, Siriana decided to throw a tantrum, because she wanted her Spagetti RIGHT NOW! Eventually she just fell asleep under the high chair.

Three hours later, when Siriana finally woke up, we ate Spagetti!

Later, when mom got home, Siri went for a swing in the front yard.

while Helen watched.

Saturday we went to the beach at Paloa. The girls hung out on the beach.

Dad went snorkeling.


  1. Helen is getting so big and they both are beautiful kids. Viking,what kind of dive camera do you use? Be well all.


  2. Olympus 1030sw, point and shoot POS, but virtually indestructable. My nikon d40 is on the way, might have to save up for an underwater housing...

  3. I can just hear you calmly explaining to Siri that it takes time to make it, and I am sure she told you mom would have it done already! She looks like she is still half asleep eating.

  4. Ha, I am sure you're right about Erick being calm throughout her tantrums which is always true, but she never would have said 'mom would have had it done already!' Mom rarely cooks and when I do it always takes at least twice as long as when Erick does and it's always about half as good as what he could create. If she expects a quick meal from me it would have to be coming from the 'french fry' place (which we really rarely go to- except for on Monday when she did so good at her 1st Dentist Appointment (yes Erick- I fit this in!) that I treated her to McD's and playing at the playground before going back to work).
